Posts about Child Success

My First Solo Flight

Learning to Soar: My First Solo Flight Experience


Former Abacus student Yadu is able to complete his first solo flight using the Genie Academy teaching philosophy. Discover how to master skills here.

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Want to give your child a head start? Here's how...


Giving your child a head start can be complicated when there is so much advice on how to do it. Here are simple ways to start your child on the right foot.

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Do Paper Books Make You Smarter?


Reading is always a good idea, but is one form better than another? Read more to find out if paper books are really better than digital!

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How math standards are getting lower...


The math goals set for our children are changing, and not for the better. Find out why these changes are happening, and what problems can arise from them.

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Help Your Elementary Student With Online Learning


Help your elementary aged child with online learning through passion projects, staying active, preserving study habits, breaks &being there to support them

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How To Take Notes When Learning Online


Take better notes learning online. Techniques include the Cornell Method, outline method, mapping method, bullet point method& more. Tips for kids & adults

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How to encourage your child to do better in school


By setting goals and teaching good study habits, you can show your child the benefits of learning. Your child will be more motivated to succeed in class.

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Genie Academy Helping Students For Study During Covid-19


Learning loss due to the COVID slide is projected to be greater than the summer slide because traditional learning ended much earlier than normal.

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How to Handle a Defiant Child during Online Learning


When children are defiant in online learning, they can seem impossible to handle. You can walk away, positively reinforce &focus on the positive behaviors.

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How to Teach Your Child to Tell Time


Telling time by analogy is a difficult skill. From numbers with double meanings to the concept of time itself, help your child master this process.

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What To Do Next…

1 Get your free 60-minute Child Assessment and learn:

  • If your child is learning at the appropriate age level.
  • Your child’s strengths and where they need additional help.
  • If your child has an affinity for a particular subject, they may excel in.
  • Our professional recommendations and learning strategy for your child.
  • And much more…

2 Have more questions? Call us at 732-651-2700 to discuss your Child's specific needs.