Posts about Growing Minds

Playing Outside Makes Your Child Smarter


Playing outside is important way to develop your child's brain, improve their communication skills and expand their learning space.

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Your Child Needs to Play Outdoors


Playing outside is important for your child's physical and mental health and growth. They development a better relationship with nature, and their peers.

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Overparenting today could lead to skill gaps in your child tomorrow


Millennials report confidence, motivation, and creativity as some of the top skills they lack in the workforce. Learn how your child can build these skills

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AI in Education in China. Will it turn students into mindless drones?


Chinese schools experimented with the use of AI headbands in classrooms. Is this approach the most effective in developing the minds of young learners?

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How to encourage your child to do better in school


By setting goals and teaching good study habits, you can show your child the benefits of learning. Your child will be more motivated to succeed in class.

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Learn how your child can beat the Coronavirus school shutdown


School closures due to the coronavirus put your child at risk of falling behind. Learn how Math Genie can keep your child learning during uncertain times.

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Building your child's confidence through capability


Shyness can hinder your child's learning. Learn how to boost your child's confidence by developing their skills in areas like math and reading.

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Will Schools Reopen This Year?


Governor Murphy announced there is a chance that schools in NJ could reopen before the end of the academic year. What does this mean for your child?

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Prioritize Your Child's Study Habits, Especially During Unknown Times


Importance of maintaining and developing good study habits for your child during uncertain times. Learn strategies to support your child's learning.

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Worry COVID-19 Will Affect Child's Education? Join Genie Academy


As COVID-19 brings schools to a standstill, and raises questions of how and what our children will learn, Math Genie is here with its new online solution!

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What To Do Next…

1 Get your free 60-minute Child Assessment and learn:

  • If your child is learning at the appropriate age level.
  • Your child’s strengths and where they need additional help.
  • If your child has an affinity for a particular subject, they may excel in.
  • Our professional recommendations and learning strategy for your child.
  • And much more…

2 Have more questions? Call us at 732-651-2700 to discuss your Child's specific needs.